Lyrical Lockdown

Lyrical Lockdown

During the final two weeks of term, the pupils were set various challenges, whether still at home or school, one of which was to create a song about life in lockdown. They could either do this from scratch or alter the words of a well known song.

As someone who often changes the lyrics in songs (not always intentionally), I wanted to have my own stab at this. And as I’m not very musical (more on that later), this was the easier option.

But which to choose as a starting point? I thought about ‘Trapped in a Box’ by No Doubt as an ode to cabin fever and the chorus of ‘Don’t Stand So Close To Me‘ by The Police will be a mantra for a long, long time! (Clearly the rest of the song is not appropriate subject matter for someone in education though…)

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It’s my B-Day V-Day!

It’s my B-Day V-Day!

V-Day = VLOG-day: In other words, I’ve littered the Youtubes with more rubbish and put out another video.

This one has a special focus as today is my birthday (B-Day!), which I share with Steve of SteveSays. And I’m really bad at sharing anything, so he should feel honoured. 😉

birthday vlog

Anyway, we thought it would be fun to send each other gifts (which had to meet certain rules) and unwrap them ‘live’ on camera! So, if you can manage to sit through ten minutes of my nonsense, you’ll find out what I received…and if you want to find out what I sent Steve, click THIS LINK and check out his blog!

Ready to press play? I even sing for your pleasure…

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Erm…erm…I did it again…

Erm…erm…I did it again…

A VLOG that is!

Some of you asked for it. Some of you probably missed the last one (it was around 8 months ago). Some of you most likely won’t ever want to see another one!!

But it’s here whether you needed it in your life or not.

Most over-used word in my vocabulary? See the title of post!

Are you ready? No? Oh well…

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