The Velveteen Blogger

The Velveteen Blogger

Something a little different today – not really sure where it came from other than the first line came to me last night and I decided to expand on it.

However, I’m no poet and neither is this a portrayal of how I feel (ooh, I hope I haven’t made it seem too gloomy for a Monday!)… but I wonder if some in the virtual world do have these thoughts.

We’re so easily connected these days and yet often further apart than ever. Anyway, as always, I’d love to hear your comments. 🙂



Do I exist as merely light from your screen?

As words on a page, a face never seen?

Do you set aside times to allow me to speak?

Neglected when busy or silenced all week?

Do you ever consider what fills up my day,

Beyond the image I like to portray?

Do you imagine my lifestyle, my smiles and my tears?

Is that of no interest, unless posted here?

Do I only inhabit the bytes on your cell,

Or have I formed memories and stories to tell?

Does attention come only if reminders are sent?

Would you bother to ask me how last weekend went?

Do you see things I’d like, that you’re eager to share?

Or am I not real, so there’s no need to care?

Do you feel we’re connected, can I call you my friend?

Or is life force extinguished once unplugged, yet again?

Image Credits:

Did you know you can follow the Bobbins on Twitter and Facebook? Come and say hi!



66 thoughts on “The Velveteen Blogger

    1. I’m glad you liked it! And no need to apologise at all – I unfortunately miss plenty of posts just with daily life getting in the way! I hope your holiday was fabulous. 🙂

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  1. I haven’t visited your blog before but I love your poem. I can tell you that there are blogging friends that I stay connected to and care about a lot. One from Quebec I have even met in person. (I’m from Seattle.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well thank you so much for stopping by and reading then! 🙂 And how lovely that you’ve been able to meet up with a blogging friend – one of the positive sides of social media.

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      1. It has been really nice. We’ve both gone to a spiritual retreat in Toronto two years in a row and probably will this year as well. She’s from Quebec and I’m from Seattle. I first came to know of her when she was writing comments on my son’s blog, The Seeker’s Dungeon. When I started my own blog and she followed me we started discovering that the number of things we had in common were uncanny.

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      2. It’s funny how people find each other – I think sometimes people are reluctant to take things further online despite having so many things in common as there’s always a veil of uncertainty, that can be somewhat scary. So I think it’s marvellous when people reach out and strengthen their relationships in the flesh 🙂 I hope you enjoy your retreat if you go.

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    1. Thanks Phil! Did you see my Q&A vlog? I actually put myself out there in 3D!! I have to apologise to everyone for how long it is though so I’m sure any curiosity can be satiated in the first minute!

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  2. This poem is sooo good!! I love connecting with my followers and bloggers on a personal level, enough to call them my friends. We support each other always. I recently started poetry but mine was never as good and flowing as this one. Followed! And if I may ask, how was your day?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, reading and following! 🙂 I’m glad you liked it – I think it may have been a one off though. And my day was busy but good thank you – I hope yours is going well too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Are you suggesting you have a sentimental side, oh cold hearted Professor?! I knew it! 😉 Very pleased you enjoyed it – I actually got grumbled at for using cell (What are you, American?) but it worked better than phone for the rhyme scheme!


  3. It is fascinating to see this side of you hon! Loved the poem and even more so because it rhymed without seeming forced in any way. You HAVE to do more of these! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh… I don’t know about more – think this was a flash in the pan bout of creativity! But thanks for the encouragement Diya, glad you stopped by to read it 😀

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  4. I often wonder what many of my blogging friends are really like offline. The same as is portrayed online? I am not good at pretending to be someone else, so I think other than being pretty shy offline, I’m the same (which may be a good thing or a bad thing!). Same foul mouth and all. 🙂 This was fun to read and made me think. I enjoyed it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sandra, glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, I’d struggle to put on an act I think. There’s obviously elements I don’t share, I’m generally quite a private person but other than that, what you see / read is what you get!

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  5. Intriguing – I was only just thinking about this over the weekend. It is not a type of relationship that evolution has prepared us for – so I guess we’re all feeling our way….you can tell from the response you’ve already had that you’ve touched a nerve… congratulations are in order!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m you could relate to it, especially as it’s not a form of creative writing I would normally try out. Thanks so much for stopping by to read. 🙂


  6. Hi there 🙂 I just saw your comment on ‘The Community Pool’ and thought I’d drop by. I love your poem. A fantastic commentary on how we communicate through social media. I love your first line which immediately grabbed my attention. Well written and insightful 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much and it’s great that you dropped by! I’m pleased you like the opener – I’m still not sure what prompted it to pop in my head but I’m glad I decided to elaborate on it! 🙂


  7. Food for thought, and yes, I do think about those things. It was interesting to see your vlog and see what the person behind this blog was like – well, a glimpse, anyway. I mainly blog for myself, which may sound selfish (?)… But I guess I just mean that I like having a place to create and express my creativity, whether it’s total crap or not… If I befriend other bloggers long the way, excellent! Some I feel like I can bond with, and others not so much. I remember all the responsive ones and feel more personally attached to them. Wow, I’m rambling on and on with no point! What was my point? I don’t even know. Good questions you ask here!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, ramble away, you’ll realise it’s one of my strengths from watching the vlog! (And thanks for taking the time to view).
      I completely understand why some people stay anonymous… in some cases I suppose it means you don’t have to worry about forming proper attachements etc. But like you, I think I feel ‘closer’ to those who are truly responsive and you get to know their quirks and personality better. And be as selfish as you want… it’s your blog after all!

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  8. And I did see your Vlog that must have given you a lot of work to put together 🙂
    Haven’t “liked” it yet , because I want to see it again in peace and quiet (there was a nagging girl interrupting me all the time – crazy how much they need us just “this second” no matter how old and supposedly independent they get 😉 ) so its bookmarked , it’s just up there , to enjoy with a good cup of tea later tonight 🙂
    Turtle Hugs 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww, thank you so much I’m glad you can relate! I’m completely the same when people disappear – I worry! And yes the vlog was hard work (which is why they’ll stay to a minimum!) but fun nonetheless. So thanks for watching, hope you enjoy it properly with a good cup of tea later! 🙂

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  9. Thank you for writing so beautifully what so many of us wonder about (even if we could probably not “nail” it so well ) .
    As for me I miss people when then go silent , I try to imagine what they’re like in flesh and bone , what are their lives and routines like , how would it be like to have a coffee (ok Tea with you 😉 ) with them – would we start laughing at the same time , fight like sisters over something , wonder how come we’ve never met before – you see , for me everyone I choose to read is a real person with a history to themselves 🙂
    Turtle Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! Like I said, don’t really know where it came from. Did you see the vlog? It’s long though, so I appreciate not everyone will have time to watch and listen to me rambling!

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  10. This is really very fabulous, and I hate poetry. Very apt for the blogging world. I do sometimes wonder what my blogging friends are like in real life. Some I have more contact with than others. Some seem waaaay too cool to be my friend. This is very thought-provoking!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Lucy, I shall take this as a huge compliment if you’re not a poetry fan! I’m with you on the ‘way too cool’ notion… It kind of puts me off following because I think I’ll never possibly have anything interesting to comment!!

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      1. It is a massive compliment – I really loved it!
        I know – sometimes I am too scared to leave a comment because I am just not awesome enough. But mostly people are pretty friendly and those people have way better blogs anyway 🙂

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