When the Curvy Lady Belts Out a Tune…

When the Curvy Lady Belts Out a Tune…

It’s over.



Perhaps not.

You see, I’m in a quandary, in regards to Aloada Bobbins. I think it may be time to throw in the metaphorical towel but I know that I’ll regret it if I do. However, it’s quite clear to anyway who pays half an ounce of attention to my little site that the posts have dwindled dramatically over recent months.

Bother it and blast. What to do?

I’ve already apologised for the lack of posts, in particular my story installments of Lacunae, and I don’t want to keep making excuses. The boring, sad fact is I’m a) exhausted from work, b) not doing much of any interest (see part ‘a’) and c) feel I’ve lost the desire to write. I’m hardly even updating my social media and that was always a HUGE part of my daily routine.

So I think I’m going to make like a volcano and leave. No, wrong saying. Make like a tree and lie dormant…

You get the idea.

I’ve always likened myself to a volcano, but usually in reference to my temperament – explosive, over fairly quickly. But as I’ve got older, I guess I’m more sleeping dragon, with the emphasis on sleeping.


Yes please, lots of sleeping…

I don’t want to say I’m gone from the blogosphere for good. In fact, after I’ve posted this, there could be a good chance of me having a lightbulb moment and an intense need to share my inner most thoughts on piles of ironing.

Which is better than actually ironing. Just.

I WILL finish Lacunae, if only for my own satisfaction. But when is another matter. Sue might have something to say if I put it on the back burner too long!

Maybe I just need a break. I sincerely hope the blogging fad hasn’t passed altogether. But just in case it has, I want to thank each and every one of you who has followed, commented on and liked my posts. Those who have made me laugh, cry and befriended me from afar. Those who have been here from the first post or just since last week.

Because it’s always nice to say thanks, whatever the reason.


You have made this journey worthwhile, given me confidence back and an incentive to try new things. And despite me possibly signing off from my small area of the internet, I still want to be part of yours. So I shall read and drop by and say hello as often as I can.

So, yeah…

I hate goodbyes. I’m rubbish at them. So I’ll just wave at my screen and say I’ll hopefully see you soon with something more upbeat and interesting. But if you’re not here when I return, I’ll understand.

Perhaps melancholy and apathy are fads too…

I’ll quit moaning now 😉


Ciao! xx

IMAGE CREDITS: Pinterest, Good Housekeeping and fanpop.com

Did you know you can follow the Bobbins on Twitter , Instagram or Facebook? Come and say hi!

(I mean, I’m not sure why you’d want to when Ive just said I’m hardly updating my social media profiles. But there’s a chance I will return to former tweet-worthy glory, so ya know, if you want to…)

43 thoughts on “When the Curvy Lady Belts Out a Tune…

  1. Yep, that’s me: day late, dollar short…
    Just got around to visiting “The Blog” only to find it dormant – it happens… I’m not completely buying it though you can never not be a blogger now, some day you will find some reason to get back here and add to the interwebs and just because I am so sure I am still going to follow your Blog.
    Wishing you the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the follow, even if it is in a time of silence! I’m sure I will be back eventually, a break often does the world of good. Hope there are plenty of past posts to keep you entertained in my absence 🙂

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  2. I’m constantly having blogging ‘sabbaticals’. I’m most displeased to come back from my latest to find you gone. But we all need a break from time to time. I’m quietly confident you’ll be back though. Please come back…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww… I’m sure I will be back, just unsure when. I’m quite enjoying having time away though, I’m not even logging in much to read other posts – I have a chunk of email links to enjoy before the end of half term!
      You never know, I might even finish Lacunae as part of Nanowrimo (or what ever it’s called!) At least my sarcasm hasn’t left the building yet… 😉

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  3. I sympathise Haylee. Not been posting much of late and often wonder why I bother. Although I’ve managed to post twice since my decision to not post anything ever again..

    So clearly quitting and resolving to not post is the key to a new-found motivation / inspiration.

    Focus on what makes you happy. Write something, anything, every day, even if it’s only a shopping list. And blog again if you feel so inclined. There will always be an audience for your thoughtful posts and pics.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jason! Perhaps that IS the key. I’m feeling more confident (thanks to the positive comments I’ve had) that I will continue in some capacity. It just won’t be very often. Not for a while anyway 🙂 Glad you’re still carrying on though – have two of your posts waiting in my emails to catch up on!

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  4. I can understand this… I have been uninspired lately but still trying to post daily. Daily! I don’t know why I do it to myself… and I think I need to cut back so I don’t feel like I’ve failed! Will miss your posts but I totally understand!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sandra 🙂 Wow… I can’t even imagine the pressure of daily posts. I’d have to have it as a full time job!! But you get into a cycle and I’m the same – fell as if I’ve failed when I’m only imposing the rules myself. We’re daft to put ourselves through it!

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  5. I think this is natural, and we all feel it sooner or later! I took a month off last October, simply because it meant I could come back afresh.

    One thing I found helps (but obviously it’s different for everyone so take it with a pinch of salt) is to set a date to post (for me its at least every Monday; anything more is a (rare) bonus) and to schedule your posts in advance. I found it took the pressure off a great deal, because I can write whenever I have the time/energy, and I can schedule those posts for weeks and weeks in advance… Takes the pressure off!

    Take a break, take a month or so off, you might find yourself itching to come back 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope so Shaun, because I have put a lot of work into the site and enjoyed the whole process for the most part. I have tried scheduling in the past and was pretty good at it for a while, organising ones for 3-4 times a week. But when each post takes between 1 and 3 hours to create, depending on content, I needed a whole day to have a stockpile. Much easier when I was working part time, virtually impossible with my current job. *Sigh*
      Everyone has been very supportive though, so I know they’ll understand either way. And still hopefully remember me if I resurface!


      1. I think you touch on your own downfall in your reply… 3-4 times a week, with posts taking 1 – 3 hours each. That’s a big commitment of 3 hours at the lowest end of the spectrum and 12 at the other (I realise these are estimates but I’m using it to show the point 🙂 haha).

        There was a time when I was trying to get 3 posts out a week and it killed me, because of time and pressure. You need at least 3 ideas, then the time, then do it all again.

        I may be biased, as this is what I do, but simply dropping your number saved me and my blog. As soon as I said “right, you’ll get a post every Monday; anymore will be an added bonus” my attitude changed 100%. Suddenly those 3 posts I was doing a week, stretch 3 weeks rather than 1. Takes you an 1.5 hours to do 1 post (for argument sake) it’s far easier to find that time within a week, between say Monday to Monday, than it is to find triple that. Any extra time, motivation or inspiration you do hit along the way, you first funnel into week 2, then week 3, and suddenly you have a lovely safety net and a lot less stress.

        My advice, for what it’s worth, is take the month off, but dabble with still writing posts (but just draft, don’t publish). That way, there’s no pressure. However, if you come back in a month’s time, if you’ve got drafts sitting, waiting, itching to go out, you can schedule them all for late November/Early December and start out on top and ahead of yourself!

        You’ve built something here, and if you enjoy doing it, don’t let it become a chore! Sometimes we need to take a step back, and have room to breathe. If you’re too busy to write, simply cut down how much you are demanding of yourself. A post a week, heck a post a month, is still a post. Don’t put the pressure on yourself 🙂 At least think about it!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. A lot of good advice! I think I was always worried that if I only posted once a month, people wouldn’t engage as much and then the time taken to write it would be pointless. But perhaps it’s more about regularity than frequency.
        I have half term in 10 days when I might be able to devote some time to having an overhaul and thinking about next (if any) steps. But I’ve definitely not written it off completely yet!


      3. I think people will engage with any content as long as it’s well written 🙂 Regularity is definitely a big selling point and I’ve found it really helps me get into the mindset and make time for my writing (having a deadline, and having the pressure off)

        Sounds like you’re going in the right direction, thinking about the right things. I hope whichever route you take is the right one for you! Just remember, if you do decide to step away from it all, you’d always be welcomed back! People are leaving and returning every day 😀

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  6. All bloggers and writers feel like this from time to time and real life does have a habit of getting in the way of all the fun stuff. I hope you find your writing feet again as I really think you have huge potential. Can we say that this is au revoir and not goodbye? xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We certainly can! And thanks for the words of support Lucy 🙂 Maybe after a rest, I’ll have a revamp and fall in love with the Bobbins again. But if not, at least I’ve not wandered off into the unknown without a word.


  7. Lol! I will say this about you putting Lacunae on the back burner: Your best writing happens when you want to write — whether it’s because you feel you have the time, or you get a brilliant idea while you’re in the shower or working or sound asleep, or a mysterious Muse starts talking to you as you walk down the street — write when you really want to. If inspiration strikes and you want my input, you know where to find me, and I’ll be happy to help. Enjoy this new phase in your life. The stuff we learn is most worthwhile usually cycles round again. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sue – and your writing help has been most appreciated, as you already know. Perhaps this will take the pressure off and I won’t feel forced to put something out for the sake of it. As long as I don’t get too comfortable without it, I’m sure I’ll be back in some sense, even if sporadically 🙂

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  8. I totally get this which is why I went 4 months or so without posting. When you fall out of love with blogging and it becomes a chore it’s tough. I’m sad that you’re leaving though and I’ll miss your posts and your photos. I hope you find the love for writing again and come back, but best wishes whatever you decide. Will feel weird without your posts on my reader page. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Tom 🙂 I think I miss the photography side the most but I’ve not even had time to get out with my camera 😦 Just didn’t want to disappear without saying something in case I don’t get around to organising myself!


  9. oo the ell is going to keep us informed about what’s going on in ‘ull?

    We’ll miss you, so I’m going to rename you Penny, ’cause a bad penny always shows up.

    So I’ll look forward to your return, renewed, refreshed, reinvigorated, resplendent, and I’ve run out of re’s.

    Thanks Haylee.
    Bon voyage.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, that was a reet good lot of re’s!! And thanks Peter, hoping I can get back into things and talk about the lack of Culture in Hull (once the new year comes around!) after some time off.
      So glad I’m a Penny and not a smell you can’t get rid of!! 😉

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    1. Thank you! And I hope so too. Just started to feel like a chore to write posts but I know it’s more to do with having little time, which evolved into ‘I have nothing remotely fun to blog about’! Perhaps a self-imposed hiatus will take the pressure off and rekindle the love 🙂

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    1. I’m sorry! And yes, I hope we can – I might even be brave enough to send out some ‘real me’ FB friend requests 🙂 And… never say never again and all that!


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