Wednesday Lensday: Just Beachy

Wednesday Lensday: Just Beachy

Although I consider myself more a lakes and mountains girl, I do love the sea. I just like being around water which, if you believe in this sort of thing, is a little strange as I’m a fire sign – I guess my moon ascending chakra or something is in Aquarius. 😉


However, I much prefer a ramble around some rock pools than basking in blazing heat on the sand, so when the British summer weather was being fairly kind to us, I thought I’d head to the local beach with the ‘proper’ camera!


But it rained. A lot. And I didn’t pack the rain gear. ‘It’s okay,‘ I thought, ‘I’ll hastily wrap the DSLR in a plastic bag,‘ …that had a hole in it. Back to the iPhone it was!


The very bleak (but atmospheric) beach was deserted except for myself, some seagulls and a women with her numerous dogs. As her companions ran around my ankles, I made typically British small-talk with her: I mentioned the inclement weather.

“But my dear, to feel the wind, the salt-water lashing against your face makes you feel alliiiiiiiiiive. ALLIIIIIIVE!”

Slightly bonkers and happy – best way to be!








Image Credits: All my own.

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35 thoughts on “Wednesday Lensday: Just Beachy

  1. Great shots! Oh, and as it happens, if you believe in this sort of thing (as so many of us did in junior high school), Aquarius is an air sign. I know, counter-intuitive, right? Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio are the water signs — which I know only because I’m a Pisces who survived junior high. 🙂

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    1. Thank you Sue! (I love your blog name btw!) Thanks for the zodiac reminder – I was heavily into it all when I was younger. Forgot Aquarius was an air sign, was going for ‘water bearer’!

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    1. My sad little pebble! I found it like that but it looks like I drew the face on!! The orange thing was an ice-cream mould – I think it was from a child’s sand play set.


    1. Thanks Tom 🙂 I know there are many who still don’t rate the iPhone camera but I’d argue that’s those who haven’t used it very much – I much prefer it if I’m honest. Good old British seaside eh? The weather may be atrocious but everyone should experience eating fish and chips in a steamed up car at least once!

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    1. Thank you Charlie 🙂 It sounds like you live in a beautiful place. Although, as someone who hails from Yorkshire, we have our fair share of hilly landscapes, so I imagine I’d find flat expanses of land in the Midwest quite a sight!


      1. Oh, I did mean Charlie — you mentioned “British summer”, so I figured you were across the pond. 🙂 But when Charlie said, “the only place I could find where I was close to both the mountains and the ocean, it is what I imagine heaven to be” I figured he must mean southern California. We do have many Seattle transplants here who just got tired of all Seattle’s rain. And San Diego, California is heaven, after all. lol

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      2. I was born in the flat Midwest, just like Charlie was, and moved here when I was 5. Yes, San Diego. I spent two of my adult years living in San Francisco, but it turned out to be the longest 11 years of my life. Very depressing.

        But happily back in San Diego. Minutes from Mexico, the mountains, Disneyland, and the Pacific. Choose a direction. Perfect weather, although, as a coastal desert, we are usually drought stricken. But still, I think, closer to heaven than anywhere else.

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    1. Thanks Jason 🙂 I do like the feeling of emptiness and it giving a totally different perspective to a place that is normally busy, if seen during off-season. And not fighting for deckchairs is always a plus!

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  2. Haylee – So this is a British Beach. Interesting. Your photographs are beautiful – I can feel the cold and wet. I love the Beach…in any weather. As I sit at my desk at work, I was so glad to grab a quick peek. Thanks. 🙂

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    1. Hello Jeanne! (I don’t think I knew your name before 😊) Glad the photos gave you a mini escape – sorry they weren’t more sunshine-y! Being an island, were lucky in the U.K. to have so many different types of beach and on a better day, this is a beautiful stretch of coastline 🙂 But I do quite like the bleakness.


  3. Ooooh these pictures are lovely! There is something so very very special about the British seaside – even more so when it is a bit drizzly and with a stiff breeze. The crazy dog lady is absolutely right! (Although quite probably still very crazy 😉 )

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    1. Haha, she was a bit batty – I did walk in the opposite direction! What I didn’t say was there was a group of girls attempting to have a picnic…. we are British and we WILL make the most of our generally abysmal summers!!

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      1. Hurrah for those brave British souls and their picnic! The times I have sat, frozen, trying to stop sausage rolls blowing away while my mum insists that we’re all having a brilliant time… now, that’s what I call summer!

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