Monday Munchie’s Tea Party!

Monday Munchie’s Tea Party!

Happy Monday Munchies everyone, I hope you’re having a splendid one so far!

As you read this, I’ll be trundling somewhere around the Emerald Isle in search of Jon Snow (or Kit Harington, I’m not fussy!) so naturally, I haven’t had time to bake anything exciting or describe a full-on cooking fail  fiesta with you. Therefore, I thought I’d share some links to other (much better) bakes and generally yummy things this week and spread the love of food. 🙂

tea party3

I’m thinking I’d like to do this on a regular, probably monthly basis, so with that in mind, if you have any fabulous recipes you’d like to put out to the world, whether it’s a family favourite or simply something you’ve thrown together, it would be lovely to be able to link to your blog / website – the added bonus being it will contribute to your readership and help make munchie friends!

If you’d like to share your fantastic food ideas, either pop a link in the comments or you can email them to me at and I’ll include them in next month’s post. Until then, I hope you’ll check out the recipes below (and their owners’ blogs) and enjoy the selection of treats and scrummy snacks!

In no particular order…

  1. Okay, so pretty much EVERYTHING in Jane’s Patisserie looks delicious, but I’m a huge fan of salted caramel. 🙂
  2. Cake AND fudge in one recipe? Yes please!
  3. Love bread? Love blueberries? Check this out!
  4. Summer isn’t summer without some ice-cream and this no-churn version is gorgeous!
  5. And if you’d like a vegan / non-dairy alternative, bananas are your friend!
  6. This will definitely get baked as soon as I get back from our travels – Orange choc-tastic!
  7. Time for a little savoury treat – these just look like pure, moreish comfort food!
  8. I could eat tzatziki all day long!
  9. Which side of the Marmite fence are you on? I’m firmly in the LOVE camp!
  10. And finally, not so much a recipe as a fantastic tip…ice cube trays are so versatile!

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