Moodle Army #6: Look Back

Moodle Army #6: Look Back

It’s time to show off the artistic talents in this week’s edition of the Moodle Army. This time, we’ve been turning to the past with a theme of ‘Look Back‘!


There were many ways this theme could have been interpreted but it seems we all love a bit of nostalgia and geared our Moodles towards this.

Mine is both a look back to the past and being able to benefit from hindsight, as I’m currently deciding whether to lop off my very long hair. However, recently finding images of me with an 80s bubble perm and stupidly high backcombed fringe reminds me that I’ve not always had the best choice of hairstyle!

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What was I thinking? Or my mum for allowing it, for that matter?! I have naturally thick, curly hair, yet believed that added curls from a perm would make it look better. I think I was just trying to grow it sideways so it balanced out the shoulder pads 😉 It’s clearly so thick I can’t even find my earlobe…

Still, it’s marginally better than when I had a bob cut, that became triangular due to thickness (people used to call me Worf from Star Trek Next Gen…) or the time I had it cut short in an attempt to look like Natalie Imbruglia which resulted in looking like someone had put a bowling ball on my head.

But live and learn I guess!

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On with this week’s entries – Don’t forget, there will be a new challenge tomorrow at 9am – join in, share and spread the Moodle love!

Thanks all for taking part, reblogging and reading. Enjoy!

Reflecting on the past, in a Moodle that works on many levels, is Sue!
Space, Time and Raspberries

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Being mindful that not everyone likes to ‘Look Back’, Sandra has taken things literally. What Sandra Thinks


Suggesting we ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ with classic 90s lyrics is James!
James Proclaims

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Amanda is unraveling a 90s nightmare with a cassette tragedy!
Inside the Life of Moi

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And finally, Mark has opted for a fab, retro inspired Warhol featuring a classic Gameboy! Mono Images…Mostly

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Image Credits: Mine, or via links given.

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20 thoughts on “Moodle Army #6: Look Back

  1. Re: looking back at ourselves with our ugly clothing and ugly haircuts–in the moment then, we thought we looked good. In the same vein, looking to the future, is how I look now, which I think is good, well, will that look bad? (There must be a better way to express this thought.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t worry, I understood what you meant! I’m hoping that the really bizarre hairstyles of the 80s and 90s won’t make a comeback – I feel most styles, for women anyway, have stayed within acceptable boundaries since the turn of the century. I wonder what the men will say looking back if they’ve embraced the beard culture that is becoming much more ‘Viking’ though? As for clothes, I don’t think we can be saved from them – everything in the shops at the moment seems to be like my teenage wardrobe… you know when you just wish you’d kept hold of things?!


      1. Aww, I’m sure they’re not that bad! But I understand drawing can sometimes bring people out in a cold sweat. Just know that nobody would be judging if you ever felt inclined 🙂

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